
Gaining insurance is key upon completion of a course, however we also recommend gaining student insurance during training. If you already have insurance, we recommend checking with your insurer prior to purchasing any course. If you are looking to gain insurance, we also recommend checking with one our recommended insurance companies prior to purchasing a course.

Student Insurance

As a student with The Beauty Training School, you with be performing case studies on clients which means you can be held legally liable for loss or damage to other people’s property, financial loss or injury and other harm. Student insurance is low priced and can be upgraded once fully qualified, which is why we recommend gaining insurance to avoid any serious repercussions or financial and reputational ruin.

Product Liability Insurance

Product liability insurance is used to protect against allegations made by clients as a product has caused a loss, injury, or damage.

Professional Indemnity Insurance

Professional indemnity insurance protects you against claims made should you be accused of professional negligence, this would include things such as, incorrect aftercare advice or recommendations, loss of documents, breach of confidentiality and code of conduct.

Public Liability Insurance

Public liability insurance is for salon owners to protect you in the event of a client making a claim against you for a non-treatment related injury or damage such as personal injuries, or loss/damage to the property during their visit to your premises.

Professional Treatment Liability Insurance

Professional treatment liability insurance protects you, should a client sustain an injury or illness as a result of the treatment carried out by you. This could include burns, irritation, or a reaction from the treatment.

We suggest contacting our recommended insurance companies to discuss which insurance will suit you best, to ensure you gain the best cover for carrying out your treatments and covering your premises.


0345 2225360


Insync Insurance 

01200 309516

Simply Business

0333 0164093