
The European Community recently introduced legislation to protect the privacy of web users by limiting how websites can use cookies The Beauty Training School is committed to protecting your privacy. As part of this commitment, we are providing you with information about the cookies we use, so that you can make informed decisions.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files that our website(s) or services provided for us by other companies put on your computer. The information in them helps us to improve your experience of using our website and learning with us. Many of our cookies are deleted when you log out of your learning or close your web browser. None of our cookies contain any of your personally identifiable information.

Because you are using our website(s) we assume that you are happy for us to use cookies in this way.

If you are not happy, then you should either not use our website(s), set your web browser to not accept cookies from The Beauty Training School or use your web browser’s anonymous browsing setting (this is called ‘Incognito’ in Google Chrome, ‘InPrivate’ in Internet Explorer and ‘Private Browsing’ in Firefox).

For more information on cookies, how to control the use of them in your browser and how to browse the internet anonymously visit the All About Cookies website.

Because our learning systems rely on cookies to deliver your courses effectively you give us consent to use cookies as outlined below when you purchase or enroll on a block (The Beauty Training School). We will not provide technical support to learners who choose to cookies and then encounter issues with their learning.

You will not be able to purchase courses from the The Beauty Training School website if you set your browser to not accept cookies as our ecommerce system uses them to process transactions. We are unable to facilitate purchases by any other method (e.g. telephone sales) or provide technical support to users who choose to block The Beauty Training School cookies.

What cookies The Beauty Training School uses:

Session Cookies

We use a number of session cookies to provide functionality including, but not limited to, remembering who you are when you have logged into our website(s) or learning systems, to identify you when you move from one The Beauty Training School system to another, to greet you by name on screen, to optimise the effectiveness of our web servers and to remember the items you have put into our shopping basket.

We consider these cookies to be strictly necessary for the secure and efficient operation of our website(s) and learning systems and make your experience of using them easier and quicker.